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Odontol. Clín.-Cient ; 20(2)abr.-maio 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1369205


O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de tratamento de úlcera traumática labial utilizando protetor bucal em paciente internado em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Paciente do sexo feminino diagnosticada com uma doença neurodegenerativa apresentou uma lesão de aspecto ulcerado, de aproximadamente 12 mm na mucosa do lábio inferior. O diagnóstico foi de úlcera traumática decorrente de espasmos musculares involuntários em face. O tratamento proposto foi instalação de protetor bucal confeccionado a partir de uma moldeira pré-fabricada de EVA (etil-vinil-acetato) borrachóide associado à medicação tópica a base de corticosteroide sobre a lesão. Após 5 dias foi observada cicatrização completa da úlcera, dispensando o uso do dispositivo. Nos dias seguintes de internação não foram observadas novas lesões. O protetor bucal instalado mostrou-se efetivo no afastamento do tecido traumatizado de novos traumas, protegeu os tecidos não lesionados e proporcionou qualidade de vida e segurança à paciente. Este relato reforça a importância da Odontologia na assistência do paciente crítico... (AU)

The objective of this work is to report a clinical case of treatment of traumatic lip ulcers using mouth guard in a patient admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Female patient diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease presented with an ulcerated lesion, of approximately 12 mm in the mucosa of the lower lip. The diagnosis was a traumatic ulcer resulting from involuntary muscle spasms in the face. The proposed treatment was the installation of a mouthguard made from a prefabricated EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) rubber mold associated with topical corticosteroid medication on the lesion. After 5 days, complete healing oh the ulcer was observed, dispensing with the use of the intraoral device. In the following days of hospitalization, no new injuries were observed. The installed mouthguard proved to be effective in removing traumatized tissue from new traumas, protecting uninjured tissues and providing quality of life and safety to the patient. This report reinforces the importance of Dentistry in the care of critical patients... (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Dental Service, Hospital , Intensive Care Units , Lip/injuries , Mouth Protectors , Spasm , Wounds and Injuries , Lip , Mucous Membrane
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 28: [1-6], jan.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-970568


A Queilite Actínica (QA) é uma condição clínica que acomete o vermelhão do lábio inferior intimamente relacionada com com exposição excessiva à luz solar. Geralmente acomete o sexo masculino acima de 45 anos. O caso apresenta um paciente gênero masculino, leucoderma, 59 anos, com lesão de atrofia da borda do vermelhão do lábio inferior, superfícies lisas, manchas eritroleucoplásicas, limites nítidos e formato irregular. O diagnóstico clínico foi de Queilite Actínica. A biópsia incisional foi conduzida e apresentou microscopicamente um epitélio estratificado pavimentoso hiperqueratinizado com áreas de acantose, a lâmina própria era fibrosa, exibia infiltrado inflamatório crônico e uma faixa basofílica amorfa e acelular consistente com elastose solar proeminente e um quadro de Displasia Moderada. O tratamento proposto foi a vermelhectomia, mas houve recusa do paciente em realizar esse procedimento. Diante das alterações, percebe-se a importância do cirurgião- dentista na precisão do diagnóstico precoce e tratamento, impedindo a transformação maligna da lesão. (AU)

Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a common clinical condiction which affects the lower lip vermilion closely related to excessive exposure to sunlight. Usually affects males above 45 years. The case features a male patient, leucoderma, 59, edge of atrophic lesion of the lower lip vermilion, smooth surfaces, eritroleucoplásicas spots, clear limits and irregular shape. The clinical diagnosis was Actinic cheilitis. The incisional biopsy was conducted and microscopically presented a stratified epithelium hiperqueratinizado with areas of acanthosis, the lamina propria was fibrous, showed chronic inflammatory infiltrate and basophilic amorphous band and acellular consistent with prominent solar elastosis and Dysplasia Moderate frame. The proposed treatment was vermilionectomy but was patient refusal to perform this procedure. Faced with the changes, we see the importance of dental surgeon on the accuracy of early diagnosis and treatment, preventing malignant transformation of the lesion. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Lip , Sunburn , Cheilitis/diagnosis , Cheilitis , Lip/injuries , Atrophy
Medisan ; 21(9)set. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-894658


Se presenta el caso clínico de una anciana de 80 años de edad con antecedentes de demencia senil, quien acudió acompañada de sus hijos a la consulta de Emergencia del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres por presentar mordedura de un perro en la región labial. A la paciente se le realizó lavado de la herida, desbridamiento y profilaxis, seguidos de la confección de colgajos locales combinados y sutura inmediata. Los resultados cosméticos y funcionales fueron catalogados como favorables.

The case report of an 80 years elderly woman with history of Alzheimer´s is presented, who went along with her children to the Emergency Service of Saturnino Lora Torres Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital due to a dog bite in the labial region. The wound cleaning, debridement and prophylaxis was carried out to the patient, followed by making combined local flaps and immediate suture. The cosmetic and functional results were classified as favorable.

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Bites and Stings/surgery , Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Dogs , Facial Injuries , Lip/injuries
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 30(4): 661-663, sep.-dec. 2015. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421


A reconstrução labial representa um desafio ao cirurgião plástico. Os lábios são o centro dinâmico do terço inferior da face, sendo fundamentais para mímica e expressão facial, fala, deglutição, sucção e contenção de secreções salivares, sem esquecer-se do componente estético. Portanto, a reconstrução labial deve ter como objetivo o restabelecimento funcional da estrutura lesada e um bom resultado estético. Este artigo relata um caso de lesão labial traumática grave e sua reconstrução, com a utilização do retalho de Karapandzic. Os autores demonstram sua funcionalidade e fácil execução, assim como seu resultado final.

Lip reconstruction is a challenge to the plastic surgeon. The lips are the dynamic center of the lower third of the face, being essential for facial movements and expression, speech, deglutition, suction, and containment of salivary secretions, as well as esthetic appearance. Therefore, the objective of lip reconstruction should be functional recovery of the damaged structure and a good esthetic result. This article reports a case of severe traumatic labial injury and reconstruction, using the Karapandzic flap. The authors demonstrate its functionality and easy implementation as well as the final result.

Surgical Flaps , Wounds and Injuries , Facial Injuries , Lip , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Wounds and Injuries/drug therapy , Facial Injuries/surgery , Facial Injuries/drug therapy , Lip/surgery , Lip/injuries , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 15(4): 53-58, Out.-Dez. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-792403


Os ferimentos ocasionados por mordeduras animais são comuns e de importância na saúde pública, tendo consequências, como desfiguração, infecção e, até mesmo, a morte em casos mais graves. A conduta frente a essas lesões é controversa, principalmente do ponto de vista do fechamento primário da ferida da profilaxia de doenças infecto-contagiosas, originadas a partir do contato da saliva do animal com a ferida. O atendimento desses doentes na urgência consiste no controle da infecção, reabilitação funcional e, consequentemente, estética, a fim de minimizar danos psíquicos e possibilitar retorno ao convívio social. O presente trabalho relata o caso de ferimento em lábio superior de uma criança decorrente de agressão por mordida canina. A reconstrução foi realizada através da rotação de retalho rombóide da mucosa oral bem como do avanço retilíneo do retalho cutâneo associado aos triângulos de Descarga. Além disso, foi instituída uma antibioticoterapia específica. Dessa maneira, foi obtido um resultado estético e funcional satisfatório, sem complicações infecciosas pós-operatórias ou deiscências de suturas... (AU)

Injuries caused by dog bites are common and have importance in public health, with consequences such as disfigurement, infection and even death in severe cases. The correct approach to these lesions is controversial, especially in primary closure of the point of view of the wound and prophylaxis of infectious diseases originating from the animal's saliva contact with the wound. The care of these patients in the emergency consists in controlling infection, functional rehabilitation and consequently aesthetics in order to minimize possible psychological damage and return to social life. This paper reports the injury case in upper lip of a child resulting from aggression by canine bite. The reconstruction was carried out by retail rhomboid oral mucosa rotation and straight forward skin flap associated with the discharge of triangles. Moreover, a particular antibiotic was introduced. Thus it was obtained a satisfactory aesthetic and functional results without infectious postoperative complications or dehiscence of sutures... (AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Bites and Stings , Lip/injuries , Mouth Mucosa/surgery , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Postoperative Complications , Communicable Diseases , Emergencies , Disease Prevention , Esthetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 14(3): 65-71, Jul.-Set. 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-792348


Os ferimentos ocasionados por mordedura humana são geralmente tidos como portadores de maior incidência de complicações infecciosas, pois possuem alto índice de contaminação. O tratamento dessas lesões é controverso, principalmente no que se refere à sutura primária e à profilaxia de doenças infecto-contagiosas originadas a partir do contato da saliva do agressor com a ferida. O atendimento desses doentes na urgência consiste no controle da infecção, reabilitação funcional e consequentemente estética, a fim de minimizar danos psíquicos e possibilitar retorno ao convívio social. O presente trabalho relata um caso de uma extensa avulsão de lábio inferior decorrente de agressão por mordedura humana. A reconstrução inicial foi possível através de avanço de retalhos laterais, associada à antibioticoterapia específica. Desta forma foi obtido um resultado estético e funcional satisfatório, sem complicações infecciosas pós operatórias ou deiscências de suturas, a continência oral foi preservada, bem como a sensibilidade e a mobilidade labial... (AU)

Injuries caused by human bites are generally considered to be more incidence of infectious complications, as they have a high rate of contamination. The treatment of these lesions is controversial, especially with regard to primary suturing and disease prophylaxis. Infectious-contagious caused by contact between the aggressor's saliva and the wound. the service of these patients in the emergency room consists of infection control, functional rehabilitation and, consequently, aesthetics, in order to minimize psychic damage and enable a return to social life. The present work reports a case of an extensive avulsion of the lower lip resulting from human bite aggression. The initial reconstruction was possible through the advancement of lateral flaps, associated with specific antibiotic therapy. In this way, a satisfactory aesthetic and functional result was obtained, without complications. Postoperative infectious diseases or suture dehiscence, oral continence was preserved, as well as the lip sensitivity and mobility... (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Wound Infection , Bites, Human , Facial Injuries , Lip/surgery , Lip/injuries
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 29(1): 172-175, jan.-mar. 2014.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-247


Pacientes portadores de sequelas devido a injeções de substâncias inabsorvíveis tem se tornado cada vez mais frequentes. O silicone injetável ou polidimetilsiloxano fluido é um polímero manufaturado que contém silicone elementar. As complicações consequentes ao uso desta substância podem ser precoces ou tardias. Apresentamos um relato de caso onde uma deformidade por injeção de silicone em lábios foi tratada cirurgicamente usando a técnica do biquíni modificada obtendo um bom resultado funcional e estético.

Increasing numbers of patients have sequelae due to the injection of non-absorbable substances. Injectable silicone or polydimethylsiloxane fluid is a manufactured polymer containing elemental silicon. The complications associated with the use of this substance can present early or late. Here we present a case report in which a deformity due to a silicone injection in the lips was surgically treated using the modified "bikini" technique that produced a functionally and aesthetically favorable result.

Humans , Male , Adult , History, 21st Century , Postoperative Complications , Silicones , Surgery, Plastic , Case Reports , Dimethylpolysiloxanes , Lip , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Silicones/therapeutic use , Silicones/chemistry , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Dimethylpolysiloxanes/therapeutic use , Dimethylpolysiloxanes/chemistry , Lip/surgery , Lip/injuries
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 13(4): 39-44, Out.-Dez. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-792296


Lesões faciais decorrentes de mordedura animal são comumente relatadas na literatura. Essas injúrias, com prevalência de 15% em face, apresentam-se desde abrasões superficiais até ferimentos profundos com grande perda de substância, causando prejuízos estéticos e funcionais às vítimas. Crianças são mais acometidas que os adultos, com maior probabilidade de envolver regiões de nariz, orelhas, bochechas e lábios. O momento ideal para abordagem do ferimento e a avaliação da necessidade de antibioticoterapia profilática, visto o risco potencial de infecção desses ferimentos, ainda continuam discussões controversas na literatura, embora cada vez mais se defenda a abordagem por fechamento primário de ferimentos não infectados, ao invés do reparo tardio, e emprego de medicação antimicrobiana em situações específicas a serem avaliadas ao exame clínico. A profilaxia antirrábica e antitetânica devem ser sempre empregadas, quando bem indicadas. Anamnese e exame físico iniciais detalhados são de grande importância para determinar a abordagem terapêutica mais apropriada para cada caso. O presente estudo relata casos de pacientes jovens e idoso vítimas de mordedura animal, tratados por reparo primário e antibioticoterapia profilática, obtendo-se sucesso da terapia, com ausência de infecção... (AU)

Facial injuries resulting from animal bites are commonly reported in the literature. This kind of injuryoccusr approximately about 15% in the face and is presented as superficial abrasions or deep wounds with great tissue loss, causing aesthetic and functional damages to the victims. Children are more commonly affected than adults, generally involving nose, ears, cheeks and lips. The ideal time to approach the injury and the need for prophylactic antibiotics are still controversial, although most advocate for primary surgical closure of uninfected wounds, rather than delayed surgical repair, and restricteduse of prophylactic antibiotics in specific situations evaluated on clinical exam. Prophylaxis against rabies and tetanus should always be administered when well indicated. Clinical exam and detailed physical examination are of great importance to determine which therapeutic approach is most indicated for each case. This study reports cases of animal bite victims, young and elderly, treated by primary repair and prophylactic antibiotics, achieving good results, without signs of infection... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Middle Aged , Wound Infection , Lip/injuries , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Cheek/injuries
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 28(1): 168-171, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687366


Lesões labiais extensas sempre representaram um desafio para a cirurgia plástica. Não existe técnica ideal para reconstrução labial. Neste artigo são relatados os casos de 2 pacientes que apresentavam grandes defeitos no lábio inferior, acometendo 80% e 60% da superfície dessa estrutura, após traumatismo lacerocontuso e ressecção de tumor epidermoide, respectivamente. Esses pacientes foram submetidos a reconstrução labial pela técnica de Karapandzic¹, descrita em 1974. No primeiro caso, o resultado foi considerado desfavorável, em decorrência da presença de deiscência. No segundo caso, foi obtido bom resultado estético e funcional, sem sofrimento dos retalhos ou hematomas. A técnica de Karapandzic constitui uma opção de fácil execução e reprodutível, apresentando bons resultados estéticos e funcionais.

Reconstruction of extensive labral lesions has always been a challenge for plastic surgeons. Thus far, an optimal lip reconstruction technique has not yet been established. This report includes 2 cases of large lower lip defects, affecting 80% and 60% of the surface structure that resulted from laceration/contusion trauma and epidermal tumor resection, respectively. The patients underwent lip reconstruction using the Karapandzic technique, which was first described in 1974. In the first case, the result was considered unfavorable because of dehiscence. In the second case, good functional and aesthetic results were obtained without from the patchwork or bruises. The Karapandzic technique is easy to perform and may be considered a reproducible option for lip reconstruction with good functional and aesthetic results.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Surgical Flaps , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Esthetics , Lip , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Esthetics/psychology , Lip/abnormalities , Lip/surgery , Lip/injuries
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 67(3): 230-233, jul.-set. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-698271


Mucocele ou fenômeno de retenção de líquido é uma lesão cística benigna, com saliva em seu interior, relacionada a trauma local e obstrução de glândulas salivares menores. Geralmente, ocorre no lábio inferior de crianças e adolescentes, e apresenta-se clinicamente como uma bolha, de cor igual à mucosa adjacente ou azulada, e seu tamanho varia de 1 mm à centímetros. É assintomática, e muitas vezes há o rompimento espontâneo. Porém, se houver várias recorrências é necessário o tratamento cirúrgico para remoção das glândulas salivares adjacentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a remoção cirúrgica de uma lesão de mucocele em lábio inferior de um adolescente de 17 anos de idade

Mucocele or mucus retention phenomenon, is a benign cystic lesion with salivary inside, related to local trauma and obstruction of minor salivary glands. Usually occurs in the lower lip of children and adolescents. Clinically appears as a bubble with the same color of the adjacent mucosa, or blues, and its size ranges from 1 mm to several centimeters. It is asymptomatic and often there is spontaneous disruption. However, if there are multiples episodes of recurrence, surgical treatment is necessary to remove the minar salivary glands. The aim of this study is to present the surgical removal of mucocele of 17 years old adolescents lower lips

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Cysts , Salivary Glands, Minor/injuries , Lip/injuries
Rev. méd. Maule ; 28(2): 80-81, dic. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-679620


Niña de 6 años de edad, acude a la consulta odontológica24 horas después de una atención previa, mostrando una lesión en el labio inferior, blanco-amarillenta, con áreas de ulceración cubiertas por fibrina (A). La paciente relata prurito y sensación urente con hiperestesia en el área. No hay compromiso del estado general. Descartada una reacción alérgica y angioedema, el diagnóstico fue una úlcera traumática, como resultado de una mordida posterior a la anestesia del nervio alveolar inferior. El tratamiento consistió en ibuprofeno (suspensión oral, 200 mg / 5 ml, en dosis de 10mg / kg cada 8 horas por 5 días) y control clínico cada dos días (primer control, B). La resolución definitiva ocurrió 10días después de la primera atención. Con el fin de prevenir lesiones de los tejidos blandos, el odontólogo debe indicara los padres y cuidadores la importancia del monitoreo del niño por varias horas, luego de la atención odontológica que implique procedimientos con anestesia local por bloqueo troncular (nervio alveolar inferior), recordando que es más seguro para el paciente comer luego de que el efecto del anestésico desaparece (1).

Humans , Female , Child , Anesthesia, Dental/adverse effects , Lip/injuries , Bites, Human/diagnosis , Bites, Human/drug therapy , Nerve Block/adverse effects , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Bites, Human/etiology , Oral Ulcer/etiology
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 24(44): 13-18, mayo 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-684959


La instalación de piercing oral y perioral aumentó su popularidad en los años recientes, sobre todo en la población adulta joven. En este trabajo se analizan los riesgos, complicaciones y contraindicaciones de esos aditamentos. También se consideran las lesiones de tejidos duros y blandos de la boca producidas por los piercings

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Mouth Diseases/etiology , Wounds, Penetrating/complications , Risk Factors , Postoperative Complications/classification , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Foreign-Body Reaction , Tongue/injuries , Lip/injuries
Bol. Asoc. Argent. Odontol. Niños ; 40(1): 9-15, abr.-ago. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-626209


El término piercing significa "penetrante" y corresponde a la perforación de los tejidos blandos en cualquier parte del cuerpo. Es una costumbre que se emplea desde la antiguedad. En la actualidad es una tendencia que va en aumento debido a su gran aceptación social, particularmente en los jóvenes. En este trabajo se describen los distintos tipos de piercing bucales y peribucales, sus posibles localizaciones y las complicaciones derivadas de su uso. También las contraindicaciones, las recomendaciones y los cuidados de la zona de perforación.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Female , Child , Wounds, Penetrating/complications , Body Piercing/adverse effects , Adolescent Behavior , Mouth Diseases/prevention & control , Lip/injuries , Tongue/injuries , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 25(4): 719-722, out.-dez. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-583443


Introdução: A cirurgia reconstrutiva do lábio, seja superior ou inferior, possibilita sua reconstrução por meio de uma variedade de técnicas cirúrgicas. Nessas reconstruções, é importante avaliar as características do tecido (cor da pele, textura), o qual sempre que possível deve ser utilizado próximo ao local da lesão, para fornecer o melhor resultado estético e funcional possível. Relato do Caso: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a técnica de Bernard-Burow para reconstrução de lábio inferior, e revisar a anatomia do terço inferior da face, por meio do relato de caso de um paciente que foi mordido por um cavalo e teve avulsão de lábio inferior e porção mentoneana e submentoneana da face.

Background: The reconstructive surgery of the lip, upper or lower, presents a variety of techniques and procedures. In reconstructive surgery of lip is important to evaluate the characteristics of tissue (skin color, texture), which wherever possible should be used near the site of injury to provide the least morbidity and best tissues in colors and texture. Case Report: This article aims to describe the Bernard-Burow technique for reconstruction of lower lip, and review the anatomy of the lower third of the face, through the case report of a patient who was bitten by a horse and had avulsion of lower lip and mentoniane portion of the face.

Humans , Male , Adult , Anatomy/methods , Bites and Stings , Facial Injuries , Lip/surgery , Lip/injuries , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Wounds and Injuries , Anatomy, Regional , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Methods , Patients , Surgery, Plastic
J. appl. oral sci ; 18(5): 538-541, Sept.-Oct. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-564192


Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is a benign non-neoplastic mucocutaneous lesion. It is a reactional response to constant minor trauma and might be related to hormonal changes. In the mouth, PG is manifested as a sessile or pedunculated, resilient, erythematous, exophytic and painful papule or nodule with a smooth or lobulated surface that bleeds easily. PG preferentially affects the gingiva, but may also occur on the lips, tongue, oral mucosa and palate. The most common treatment is surgical excision. This paper describes a mucocutaneous PG on the upper lip, analyzing the clinical characteristics and discussing the features that distinguish this lesion from other similar oral mucosa lesions. The diagnosis of oral lesions is complex and leads the dentist to consider distinct lesions with different diagnostic methods. This case report with a 4 year-follow-up calls the attention to the uncommon mucocutaneous labial location of PG and to the fact that surgical excision is the safest method for diagnosis and treatment of PG of the lip, even when involving the mucosa and skin.

Child , Female , Humans , Granuloma, Pyogenic/surgery , Lip/injuries , Biopsy , Follow-Up Studies , Granuloma, Pyogenic/etiology , Lip Diseases/surgery , Mouth Mucosa/injuries
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 47(3): 341-346, jul.-sep. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-584515


The authors report a case of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL) of the oral cavity. The patient was a 73-year-old white man who first presented at the Division of Stomatology with a large nodular mass in the hard palate and a nodular lesion in the upper lip, which were diagnosed as DLBL. The patient was treated with eight cycles of CHOP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone), but the disease recurred 22 months after the end of the therapy. Both primary sites hard palate and upper lip were involved again and the patient was resubmitted to chemotherapy(AU)

Se reporta un caso de linfoma difuso de células B grandes (DLBL) de la cavidad bucal. Se trata de un paciente masculino, blanco, de 73 años de edad, que se presentó a la División de Estomatología, con una masa nodular difusa en el paladar duro y una lesión nodular en el labio superior, diagnosticadas como DLBL. El paciente fue tratado con ocho ciclos de quimioterapia CHOP (ciclofosfamida, doxorrubicina, vincristina, prednisona), pero se constató recidiva de la enfermedad en ambos sitios primarios, en el paladar duro y en el labio superior a los 22 meses después del término de la terapia. El paciente fue sometido de nuevo a la quimioterapia(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Mouth Neoplasms/drug therapy , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/diagnosis , Lip/injuries
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139877


Background: Mucocele is one of the most common benign soft tissue tumor present in the oral cavity. They are of two types - one is extravasation and second one is retention type but the majority are extravasation type. Aims: The objective is to determine various factors related to mucocele such as role of trauma due to nearby teeth, recurrence, duration, and to find out whether there is any role of psychological stress which initiates trauma like lip or cheek biting. Materials and Methods: 36 cases of mucocele diagnosed at the Department of the Oral Pathology, Govt. Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, between 2004 and 2008 were reviewed. The clinical data were recorded and histopathologic diagnosis was made. Statistical Analysis Used: Data analysis tool, Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results: A diagnosis of mucocele was established in 36 cases with male-to-female ratio of 1.77:1. Most common type was extravasation in 30 (83.33%) cases. The peak age of occurrence was between 1st and 3rd decade. Lateral side of the lower labial mucosa was the most affected site in 34 (94.44%) cases. The history of trauma appeared the major etiological factor seen in 28 (77.77%) cases. Conclusion: We conclude that there was male predominance and they were more affected in 2nd and 3rd decade. The lateral side of lower labial mucosa was the commonest site and the trauma due to teeth or lip biting was the major etiological factor for the occurrence of the mucocele. The article highlights role of psychological stress in occurrence of mucocele. The reader should understand the importance of histopathology examination and should try to control the psychological stress in such mucocele patients.

Adolescent , Adult , Age Factors , Aged , Bites, Human/epidemiology , Child , Female , Humans , India/epidemiology , Lip/injuries , Lip Diseases/epidemiology , Male , Middle Aged , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Mucocele/classification , Mucocele/epidemiology , Recurrence , Self-Injurious Behavior/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Young Adult
Acta odontol. venez ; 48(3)2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-682909


La queilitis actínica es una lesión inflamatoria crónica del labio causada por la acción de los rayos solares. Debido a su lenta progresión, el paciente relaciona el proceso con una consecuencia del envejecimiento, ignorando su naturaleza evolutiva y cancerígena. El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar el perfil clínico de los pacientes para realizar el diagnóstico. Fueron investigados 47 casos de queilitis actínica; la alteración de la línea de transición de la seni-mucosa de los labios con la piel se destacó por estar presente en 45 pacientes (96%). Concluimos que clínicamente todas las lesiones de queilitis actínica tenían aspecto multifocal; la presencia clínica de casi 100% de la alteración de la línea de transición de la seni-mucosa de los labios y la piel fue debida a la cronicidad de la afección; la resequedad labial fue disminuyendo porcentualmente por el hecho de realizar controles periódicos de los pacientes

Humans , Male , Female , Mouth/pathology , Clinical Medicine , Lip/injuries , Cheilitis/diagnosis , Dentistry